Thursday 6 February 2014

God cares!

For anyone worried about his/her safety and security, there is a good news! Sin is the most enslaving experience. Sinning separates from God. But Jesus Christ steped into our situation and sheded his blood for our ransom. So the Bible says that "...the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin." 1 John 1:7.

This wonderful opening of way of forgiveness and salvation to humanity had been planned by the All loving God from the beginning. Even before Jesus was born (about 700years in advance) God has told humanity what He had planned to save His poeple. (Isa 57:14). So Isaiah predicted, "And it will be said: 'Build up, build up, prepare the road! Remove the obstacles out of the way of my people.' " There is no any obstacle than sin which prevented people from accessing God and His blessings! So Isaiah prophesised as:

"For this is what the high and lofty One says — he who lives forever, whose name is holy: 'I live in a high and holy place,but also with  him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite. I will not accuse forever, nor will I always be angry, for then the spirit of man would grow faint before me — the breath of man that I have created.'" Isa 57:15-16 (NIV).
Thefefore, dear reader, Trust in God's mercy for your life! God loves you! He cares about your life! But you need to INVITE Him into your life!

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